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What to do with your time and unemployment benefits when you are unemployed?

What to do with your time and unemployment benefits when you are unemployed?

When you successfully claim your unemployment benefits, what should you do? This is the best time to forge on. You should be actively looking for a job and building your skill.

The period between losing a job and getting another is difficult. Well, this is not the time to sit back and enjoy free money. You should use your benefits to sustain yourself as you seek new employment as well as work on your resume.

What to do with your time and unemployment benefits when you are unemployed

You can make a plan to network in recruitment workshops and send out your resume to companies that can hire you. You can also engage friends and family members to help you out. When you are fully unemployed and can still work, make yourself available for work to avoid being disqualified from the benefits program. This program is temporary, and one should take advantage of the limited time to find gainful employment.

Part-time employment

You can seek a part-time job before things work out for you. However, you must declare all your weekly earnings to the employment development department. Any part-time job that earns you below what the state provides in benefits per week should not disqualify you from the program. A part-time job that offers you 20 hours of work or less per week is a qualifying job for partial unemployment benefits.


This is a great way to build your skill as you look for a job. If you attend paid training, you should also declare that money in the weekly certification filing. You can attend workshops and free or paid training to grow your skills and attain new ones. There is also no harm in volunteer work when you are done job-hunting. A new skill makes you more competitive in the market.

The actual job hunt

So, what does the state mean when it says that you should be actively looking for a job? This means that you are making calls to employers and expressing your interest. You are also sending out your resumes to various companies and engaging recruitment agencies. Ensure that you follow the guidelines given by your state’s unemployment agencies. A new skill makes you more competitive in the market.

Try your hand at self-employment

You can try out self-employment while you look for something better. You might be surprised at what you are capable of achieving. However, you need to declare this income as well while filing your weekly certification. Some of the greatest entrepreneurs started small. You might turn out to be the next employer.


The time of unemployment can be difficult, but this does not warrant self-pity and self-destruction. You can take some time to reflect and take care of yourself.  start your job hunting with all enthusiasm and positivity. You can explore online job boards and look for jobs in your state or outside.


What is the maximum time that I receive unemployment benefits in Maryland?

You can receive benefits for a maximum of 26 weeks.

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