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What Happens When You Get a Job While on Unemployment Benefits in Maryland? (Steps to take + More)

What Happens When You Get a Job While on Unemployment Benefits in Maryland? (Steps to take + More)

In Maryland, you become ineligible to receive unemployment benefits once you secure a job. You can however be eligible for partial unemployment benefits. Read on to find out more.

Unemployment benefits in Maryland last up to 26 weeks, varying between $50 -$430 weekly benefits. It would be best if you met specific criteria to get unemployment benefits, failure to which will get you disqualified. Once you get a job, you are needed to update your status, which will determine whether you will continue receiving benefits or not. Below, we have discussed the steps needed once you get a job while on unemployment benefits.

What amount are unemployment benefits in Maryland?

In Maryland, the amount you receive for unemployment benefits depends on the amount you received in the most paid quarter of the base period. Typically, the weekly unemployment benefits range from $50 to $430. You may get an additional amount if you have a dependent child you support. If you have more than one child, you will receive additional benefits for each child.

Eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits in Maryland

To receive unemployment benefits in Maryland, you must meet eligibility criteria based on your work availability, reasons for previous job loss, and the history of most recent earnings. The reasons which you give for losing your previous job must be valid. Otherwise, you may risk losing the benefits. Within one year, you must have earned a certain amount that will enable you to get unemployment benefits in Maryland. As for work availability, you must be available to work or are actively looking for work.

Steps to take when you get a job while on unemployment benefits in Maryland

When you get a job while still receiving unemployment benefits, you should take the following steps to update your current status. You may be eligible to receive partial unemployment benefits if you are under part-time or temporary employment. As soon as you get a job, contact the unemployment office in Maryland to notify them of the change.

From there, they will be able to take you through the necessary steps following your upgrade. You should expect to have your unemployment benefits stopped. If you refrain from giving out information about getting employed, you risk facing severe legal implications once being found out by the authorities in charge. 


Unemployment benefits are handled differently in each country or state. As we have discussed above, you must meet specific criteria in Maryland to receive unemployment benefits. These are based on reasons for previous job loss, your work availability, and the history of most recent earnings. Once you get a job, you must notify the unemployment offices that will take the necessary actions. If you fail to notify the offices of your upgrade, you risk facing severe legal actions. Therefore, you should promptly inform the unemployment offices of any work-related changes.


What will risk receiving unemployment benefits in Maryland?

You may be disqualified from receiving unemployment benefits in Maryland if you are unable and unavailable to work, have invalid reasons for quitting your job, voluntary exit from work without tangible reasons, misconduct at work, refuse job offers, or fail to look for employment.

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