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How long does it take to reopen an unemployment claim in Maryland?

How long does it take to reopen an unemployment claim in Maryland?

If you take more than one month before filing your weekly certification, your unemployment benefits claim become inactive. Activation is done immediately in Maryland, and it only takes the claimant a few minutes to do so on the BEACON, or via phone.

The future is always unpredictable, and there is always a chance that a former beneficiary of the unemployment insurance might need it back. The state of Maryland has made it easy to reopen a claim after it has been active for a while, and it only takes a few minutes to reopen. You can still call the Unemployment benefits center for further assistance.

How long does it take to reopen an unemployment claim in Maryland?

The process of reopening is done by the claimant on the BEACON 2.0 portal that one used to use before becoming inactive and it takes a few minutes. You will only need to access the portal and access your claim information. If your status reads inactive, you will see the ‘Reopen Claim’ button. All you need to do is click on it on the left side of the BEACON. You will follow all the prompts from that point and reopen your claim. It is that easy, but this option will only be found on claimant accounts whose status read inactive. After you finish the process, check your status again and see if it has been activated.

What happens when I reopen an unemployment claim in Maryland?

The next step is to start filing your weekly certification as you used to before becoming inactive. A week in the state of Maryland’s Unemployment Insurance runs from Sunday 12:01 am to Saturday 11:59 pm ET. When your benefits are approved for the week, you will continue to receive your benefits as if you never left.  Some reasons can get you denied. For instance, you can fail to reopen if your claim has passed the 52-week mark. In this case, you will be required to apply afresh.

You can’t reopen a Maryland unemployment claim for the sake of it. You need to be eligible to do so. People who are eligible to take this action include those who got laid off again after gaining new employment, those forced to quit by circumstances beyond them, and those who get their normal working hours reduced instead of getting laid off. You cannot complete the reopening process on the Maryland unemployment on the mobile APP.


In the past, reopening of claims took a few days before people were able to reopen the BEACON. It now takes a few minutes and steps to reopen. However, your benefits will not be credited to your account instantly. You will have to follow the weekly certification drill. You are eligible to reopen a claim the next day after you lose employment or have your hours reduced.


When am I eligible to reopen an unemployment claim in Maryland?

You are eligible a day after you lose your job or your working hours.

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